Friday, September 14, 2018

The final year projects , How to do the final year projects and get successful

The final year projects 

The final year projects are considered as one of the core modules for computer science and information technology studiesat the undergraduate levels. Although the credit that this module carries is different from school to school, in different countries, however, all of them agree on the paramount role that the module plays in forming the students’ mindset towards performing real life projects. In addition, the final year project aims to let the students to combine and utilize almost all core modules/courses they have studied during their undergraduate journey. This is the reason for paying so much attention to the final year project as a crucial assessment.
Regardless of different approaches in computer science and IT education at different universities, the main theme of the final year projects is to implement an idea using software development tools. Although the projects are mostly individual projects, however, there are cases in which group projects are considered as final year projects. Normally, students receive different training and knowledge in order to accomplish small projects through their assignments in different modules/courses, but these assignments, mainly, focus on specific topics such as database and/or programming coursework. However, when it comes to the final year project, it is considered to be more comprehensive and to cover and utilize most the knowledge that students have already been obtained.
In fact, when students start their final year projects it is assumed that they have received the fundamental knowledge that they need in order to sufficiently conduct their projects and other final year modules/ courses should be considered supplementary to the project implementation. Despite the fact, when it comes to the action point, students face many issues, such as:
- What is a proper topic that I can choose? - How can I conduct my project? - What is the methodology and which one is good enough for my project? - What are the stages that I should go through? - What kind of tools should I use? - How can I prepare my report? - What kind of documents should I submit?
Although, some of these questions might have been answered within the guidelines that faculties/ departments/schools provide students with, but in reality, many of students ask their lecturers/professors these questions again. The following chapters aim to answer these questions and to show students how to tackle their final year projects. The discussion would start by showing how to choose a project topic and continueon how to conduct the project.

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